Details des Biertyps

Bier mit spe­zi­el­lem Zucker
Style Gui­de
BJCP 2015
31 B
Same as the base beer, alt­hough some sug­ars will bring addi­tio­nal colors.
Same as the base beer, except that some addi­tio­nal fer­men­ta­bles (honey, molas­ses, etc.) may add a fla­vor com­po­nent. Wha­te­ver addi­tio­nal fla­vor com­po­nent is pre­sent should be in balan­ce with the beer com­pon­ents, and be a plea­sant com­bi­na­ti­on. Added sug­ars should not have a raw, unfer­men­ted fla­vor. Some added sug­ars will have unfer­men­ta­ble ele­ments that may pro­vi­de a ful­ler finish; ful­ly fer­men­ta­ble sug­ars may thin out the finish.
Same as the base beer, except that some addi­tio­nal fer­men­ta­bles (honey, molas­ses, etc.) may add an aro­ma com­po­nent. Wha­te­ver addi­tio­nal aro­ma com­po­nent is pre­sent should be in balan­ce with the beer com­pon­ents, and be a plea­sant combination.
Same as the base beer, alt­hough depen­ding on the type of sugar added, could increase or decrease the body.
A har­mo­nious mar­ria­ge of sugar and beer, but still reco­gnizable as a beer. The sugar cha­rac­ter should both be evi­dent but in balan­ce with the beer, not so for­ward as to sug­gest an arti­fi­ci­al product.
If the addi­tio­nal fer­men­ta­bles do not add a distin­gu­is­ha­ble cha­rac­ter to the beer, enter it in the base style cate­go­ry. A honey-based beer should not have so much honey that it reads more like a mead with beer (i.e., a brag­got) than a honey beer. This style should not be used for styl­es whe­re the alter­na­ti­ve sugar is fun­da­men­tal to the style defi­ni­ti­on, or whe­re a small amount of neu­tral-fla­vor­ed sugar is used sim­ply to increase gra­vi­ty, increase atte­nua­ti­on, or ligh­ten fla­vor or body; tho­se beers should be ente­red as the nor­mal base style.
Bell’s Hops­lam, Ful­lers Honey Dew, Lag­uni­tas Brown Shugga’