The new Mueggelland Brewery

The 5 latest Recipes

rook by JP-Braue­rei at 28.10.2024
ober­gä­ri­ges Rauch­bier (Style: Old Ale)
Debert Amber Ale by Debert-Bräu at 21.10.2024
Amber “Kel­ler­bier” (Style: Ame­ri­ka­ni­sches Amber Ale)
Guinn­nes IV Drought Stout Irish Stout by Kai­ser­vom­Mol­ken­berg at 21.10.2024
Voll­mun­di­ges, tief schwar­zes Stout (Style: )
Dunk­les Land­bier - Kellerbier by Kai­ser­vom­Mol­ken­berg at 21.10.2024
Dunk­les voll­mun­di­ges Land­bier , Res­te­ver­wer­tung (Style: )
Bern­stein Kellerbier by Debert-Bräu at 14.10.2024
Fran­ken­land - Kel­ler­bier ist der deutsch­spra­chi­ge Begriff für ein unfil­trier­tes, unpas­teu­ri­sier­tes Bier (Style: )

In sum­ma­ry the­re are 43020 recipes by 4131 users; 2301 of them by 557 autors are published.

Hints for Upgraders from the previous Mueggelland Brewery

Of cour­se you can still access your exis­ting recipes crea­ted on the pre­vious Mueg­ge­land brew reci­pe cal­cu­la­tor. Both pages use the same ingre­di­ents and reci­pe database.

When you log in to the new page the first time, plea­se use the same user name and pass­word as used on the old Mueg­gel­land page. This way your new account will be con­nec­ted to the old one. After that you can set your new pass­word inde­pendent­ly from the old one.

Should the­re be - against expec­ta­ti­ons ;-) - any pro­blems, plea­se cont­act me by eMail.