
Com­po­nent 1
Com­po­nent 2

Calculation of Mixtures

Two com­pon­ents with amounts of m1 and m2 having dif­fe­rent values of w1 and w2 are mixed to a mix­tu­re with total amount mg and total value wg. The values may be con­cen­tra­ti­ons or tem­pra­tures, the amount volu­mes or masses.

Using the rule of three we get:

m= m+ m2

mg * w= m* w+ m* w2

You can eit­her cal­cu­la­te amount and value of the mix­tu­re using the com­pon­ents values, or amount or value of one com­po­nent when the mix­tu­re is given. Sim­ply fill in the known values and press “Cal­cu­la­te”.

Amounts and values must have each the same units for the com­pon­ents and the mixture.

Plea­se keep in mind that you have to account for the spe­ci­fic heat capa­ci­ty as a fac­tor if it is not iden­ti­cal for both components.