Brewhouse Yield


Calculation of Brewhouse Yield

The bre­w­house yield indi­ca­tes how many per­cent of the grain amount was reco­ver­ed as extra­ct[1].

Cal­cu­la­ti­on of bre­w­house yield[2]:

AS = Stw * SG * 0,96 * VA / Sch

AS: bre­w­house yield in %
Stw: Ori­gi­nal gra­vi­ty in %(°P)
SG: Spe­ci­fic Gra­vi­ty
0,96: Cor­rec­tion fac­tor
VA: Wort volu­me (hot) in liter
Sch: grain amount in kg

The wort volu­me is being mea­su­red by hot wort imme­di­a­l­te­ly after boi­ling, but pri­or to hop strai­ning. This way, the hop remains are part of the mea­su­red volu­me. The best mea­su­ring instru­ment is a dip­stick cali­bra­ted to the boil vessel.

The ori­gi­nal gra­vi­ty is also mea­su­red by hot wort using a lau­tering hydro­me­ter or by cool wort with a stan­dard hydro­me­ter or refrac­to­me­ter. You should never use a stan­dard hydro­me­ter with hot wort - it could be des­troy­ed by the heat.

The cor­rec­tion fac­tor eli­mi­na­tes the fail­ure vau­sed by the ther­mal expan­si­on of the wort and ves­sel as well as the hot trub.


  • Wolf­gang Kun­ze: Tech­no­lo­gie für Brau­er und Mäl­zer, Fach­buch­ver­lag Leip­zig, 1962, Sei­te 257
  • eben­da, Sei­te 263