World Beer Cup

The World Beer Cup is pro­ba­b­ly the big­gest and most renow­ned pro­fes­sio­nal beer com­pe­ti­ti­on of the world. It is orga­ni­zed by the ame­ri­can Bre­wers Asso­cia­ti­on and takes place sin­ce 1996 every other year at dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons all over the USA. In 2018 in Nash­ville 8.234 Beers of 2.515 Bre­we­ries from 66 count­ries atten­ded. A top-class jury with 295 jud­ges from 33 count­ries award­ed gold, sil­ver and bron­ce medals in 101 categories.

The USA were again the most suc­cessfull coun­try with 242 win­ners, fol­lo­wed by Cana­da (14 win­ners) and Ger­ma­ny (9 medals).

The table covers the com­ple­te ran­ge from 1996 to 2018 und con­ta­ins all cate­go­ry win­ners and the cham­pi­ons. It can be fil­te­red by year and sor­ted by each column. Via the search field you can do a full text search over all dis­play colum­nt contents.

IDBeer StyleAwardBre­weryBeerYear
IDBeer StyleAwardBre­weryBeerYear
