Style Details

Blon­de Ale
Pale Ame­ri­can Ale
BJCP Style Code
18 A
Light yel­low to deep gold in color. Clear to bril­li­ant. Low to medi­um white head with fair to good retention.
Light to mode­ra­te sweet mal­ty aro­ma, pos­si­bly with a light brea­dy or cara­mel­ly note. Low to mode­ra­te frui­tin­ess is optio­nal, but accep­ta­ble. May have a low to medi­um hop aro­ma, and can reflect almost any hop varie­ty alt­hough citru­sy, flo­ral, frui­ty, and spi­cy notes are common.
Initi­al soft mal­ty sweet­ness, but optio­nal­ly some light cha­rac­ter malt fla­vor (e.g., bread, toast, bis­cuit, wheat) can also be pre­sent. Cara­mel fla­vors typi­cal­ly absent; if pre­sent, they are typi­cal­ly low-color cara­mel notes. Low to medi­um frui­ty esters optio­nal, but are wel­co­me. Light to mode­ra­te hop fla­vor (any varie­ty), but shouldn’t be over­ly aggres­si­ve. Medi­um-low to medi­um bit­ter­ness, but the balan­ce is nor­mal­ly towards the malt or even bet­ween malt and hops. Finis­hes medi­um-dry to slight­ly mal­ty-sweet; impres­si­on of sweet­ness is often an expres­si­on of lower bit­ter­ness than actu­al resi­du­al sweetness.
Medi­um-light to medi­um body. Medi­um to high car­bo­na­ti­on. Smooth wit­hout being heavy.
Over­all Impression
Easy-drin­king, approacha­ble, malt-ori­en­ted Ame­ri­can craft beer, often with inte­res­t­ing fruit, hop, or cha­rac­ter malt notes. Well-balan­ced and clean, is a refres­hing pint wit­hout aggres­si­ve flavors.
Typi­cal Ingredients
Gene­ral­ly all malt, but can include up to 25% wheat malt and some sugar adjuncts. Any hop varie­ty can be used. Clean Ame­ri­can, light­ly frui­ty Eng­lish, or Kölsch yeast. May also be made with lager yeast, or cold-con­di­tio­ned. Some ver­si­ons may have honey, spi­ces and/or fruit added, alt­hough if any of the­se ingre­di­ents are stron­ger than a back­ground fla­vor they should be ente­red in tho­se spe­cial­ty cate­go­ries instead. 
An Ame­ri­can craft beer style pro­du­ced by many microb­re­we­ries and brew­pubs, par­ti­cu­lar­ly tho­se who can­not pro­du­ce lagers. Regio­nal varia­ti­ons exist (many US West Coast brew­pub examp­les are more asser­ti­ve, like pale ales) but in most are­as this beer is desi­gned as the least chal­len­ging beer in their lineup.
Brew­pub alter­na­ti­ve to stan­dard Ame­ri­can lagers, typi­cal­ly offe­red as an ent­ry-level craft beer.
Com­mer­cial Examples
Kona Big Wave Gol­den Ale, Peli­can Kiwan­da Cream Ale, Rus­si­an River Aud Blon­de, Vic­to­ry Sum­mer Love, Wid­mer Citra Sum­mer Blon­de Brew
Ori­gi­nal Gravity
1.038 - 1.054 SG
Final Gra­vi­ty
1.008 - 1.013 SG
3 - 6 SRM
3.0 - 5.0 %vol
15 - 28 IBU