Style Details

Irish Extra Stout
Irish Beer
BJCP Style Code
15 C
Jet black. Opaque. A thick, cre­a­my, tan head is characteristic. 
Mode­ra­te to modera­te­ly high cof­fee-like aro­ma, often with slight dark cho­co­la­te, cocoa, bis­cuit, vanil­la and/or roas­ted grain secon­da­ry notes. Esters medi­um-low to none. Hop aro­ma low to none, may be light­ly ear­thy or spi­cy, but is typi­cal­ly absent. Malt and roast domi­na­te the aroma.
Mode­ra­te to modera­te­ly high dark-roas­ted grain or malt fla­vor with a medi­um to medi­um-high hop bit­ter­ness. The finish can be dry and cof­fee-like to modera­te­ly balan­ced with up to mode­ra­te cara­mel or mal­ty sweet­ness. Typi­cal­ly has roas­ted cof­fee-like fla­vors, but also often has a dark cho­co­la­te cha­rac­ter in the pala­te, las­ting into the finish. Back­ground mocha, bis­cuit, or vanil­la fla­vors are often pre­sent and add com­ple­xi­ty. Medi­um-low to no frui­tin­ess. Medi­um to no hop fla­vor (often ear­thy or spi­cy). The level of bit­ter­ness is some­what varia­ble, as is the roas­ted cha­rac­ter and the dry­ness of the finish; allow for inter­pre­ta­ti­on by brewers.
Medi­um-full to full body, with a some­what cre­a­my cha­rac­ter. Mode­ra­te car­bo­na­ti­on. Very smooth. May have a light astrin­gen­cy from the roas­ted grains, alt­hough harsh­ness is unde­si­ra­ble. A slight­ly warm­ing cha­rac­ter may be detected.
Over­all Impression
A ful­ler-bodi­ed black beer with a pro­no­un­ced roas­ted fla­vor, often simi­lar to cof­fee and dark cho­co­la­te with some mal­ty com­ple­xi­ty. The balan­ce can ran­ge from modera­te­ly bit­ters­weet to bit­ter, with the more balan­ced ver­si­ons having up to mode­ra­te mal­ty rich­ness and the bit­ter ver­si­ons being quite dry.
Typi­cal Ingredients
Simi­lar to Irish Stout.
Same roots as Irish stout, but as a stron­ger pro­duct. Guin­ness Extra Stout (Extra Supe­ri­or Por­ter, later Dou­ble Stout) was first bre­wed in 1821, and was pri­ma­ri­ly a bot­t­led pro­duct. Descri­bed by Guin­ness as a “more full-bodi­ed beer with a deeper cha­rac­te­ristic roas­ted bit­ter­ness and a rich, matu­re tex­tu­re. Of all the types of Guin­ness available today, this is the clo­sest to the por­ter ori­gi­nal­ly bre­wed by Arthur Guin­ness.” Note that in modern times, Guin­ness Extra Stout has dif­fe­rent strengths in dif­fe­rent regi­ons; the Euro­pean ver­si­on is around 4.2% and fits in the Irish Stout style.
Tra­di­tio­nal­ly a bot­t­led pro­duct. Con­su­mers expect a stout to always have a black color; the fla­vor inten­si­ty from wha­te­ver made it black is what con­su­mers expect in their beer. Not all bre­we­ries make a dry, roasty ver­si­on typi­cal of Guin­ness; a more balan­ced and cho­co­la­ty ver­si­on is equal­ly acceptable. 
Com­mer­cial Examples
Guin­ness Extra Stout (US ver­si­on), O’Hara’s Leann Fol­lá­in, She­af Stout
Ori­gi­nal Gravity
1.052 - 1.062 SG
Final Gra­vi­ty
1.010 - 1.014 SG
25 - 40 SRM
5.0 - 6.0 %vol
35 - 50 IBU