Style Details

Catha­ri­na Sour
Pro­vi­sio­nal Styles
BJCP Style Code
0 X4
The color can vary based on the fruit used, but is often fair­ly pale. Cla­ri­ty can vary from quite clear to hazy, depen­ding on the age and the type of fruit used. Always effer­ve­s­cent. The head is medi­um to high with good reten­ti­on, and varies from white to shades of color depen­ding on the fruit used.
The fruit cha­rac­ter should be imme­dia­te­ly noti­ceable and reco­gnizable at a medi­um to high level. A clean lac­tic sourness should be detec­ta­ble at a low to medi­um level, in sup­port of the fruit. Malt is typi­cal­ly absent, but can be pre­sent at a low level as a sup­port­i­ve grai­ny or brea­dy cha­rac­ter. Clean fer­men­ta­ti­on cha­rac­ter requi­red. No wild or fun­ky yeast notes, no hop cha­rac­ter, no sharp alcohol.
Fresh fruit fla­vor domi­na­tes, from a medi­um to high level, with a sup­port­ing clean lac­tic sourness (low to medi­um-high, but always noti­ceable). The fruit should have a fresh cha­rac­ter and not seem coo­ked, jam-like, or arti­fi­ci­al. The malt fla­vor is often absent, but can pro­vi­de a low grai­ny or brea­dy fla­vor. Howe­ver, the malt should never com­pe­te with the fruit or sourness. Hop bit­ter­ness is very low, below sen­so­ry thres­hold. Dry finish with a clean, tart, and frui­ty after­tas­te. Should not have any hop fla­vor, ace­tic notes, or diace­tyl. Fun­ky Brett­anomy­ces fla­vors are inappropriate.
Low to medi­um-low body. Medi­um to high car­bo­na­ti­on. Alco­hol warmth is inap­pro­pria­te. Aci­di­ty is low to medi­um-high, wit­hout being aggres­si­ve or astringent.
Over­all Impression
A light and refres­hing wheat ale with a clean lac­tic sourness that is balan­ced by a fresh fruit addi­ti­on. The low bit­ter­ness, light body, mode­ra­te alco­hol con­tent, and modera­te­ly high car­bo­na­ti­on allow the fla­vor and aro­ma of the fruit to be the pri­ma­ry focus of the beer. The fruit is often, but not always, tro­pi­cal in nature.
Typi­cal Ingredients
The grist is typi­cal­ly Pils­ner malt and wheat (mal­ted or unmal­ted), fre­quent­ly in equal per­cen­ta­ges. Kett­le sou­ring is the most com­mon tech­ni­que of pro­duc­tion using some strain of Lac­to­ba­cil­lus, fol­lo­wed by a neu­tral ale yeast. Fruit addi­ti­ons post-fer­men­ta­ti­on are most com­mon, as a fresh and uncoo­ked fruit cha­rac­ter is desi­ra­ble. One or two fruits are most com­mon­ly used, and are often tro­pi­cal types, but any fresh fruit can be used.
Ori­gi­na­ting in the Bra­zi­li­an sta­te of San­ta Cata­ri­na in 2015 as a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween craft bre­wers and home­bre­wers to crea­te a beer fea­turing local ingre­di­ents that was well-sui­ted to the warm cli­ma­te. The style has spread to other sta­tes within Bra­zil and else­whe­re, and is a popu­lar style both com­mer­ci­al­ly and in home­brew competitions.
If a Ber­li­ner weis­se type beer was made with fruit, it should be ente­red as a Fruit Beer. This beer is stron­ger and typi­cal­ly fea­tures fresh fruit. The kett­le sou­ring method allows for fast pro­duc­tion of the beer, so this is typi­cal­ly a pre­sent-use style. It may be bot­t­led or can­ned, but it should be con­su­med while fresh.
Com­mer­cial Examples
Ita­ja­hy Catha­ri­na Ara­ca Sour, Blu­men­au Catha­ri­na Sour Sun of a Peach, Lohn Bier Catha­ri­na Sour Jabo­ti­ca­ba, Lif­fey Coroa Real, UNIKA Tan­ge­ri­na, Arma­da Daenerys
Like a stron­ger Ber­li­ner weis­se, but with fresh fruit. Less sour than lam­bic and gueu­ze, and wit­hout Brett­anomy­ces character.
Ori­gi­nal Gravity
1.039 - 1.048 SG
Final Gra­vi­ty
1.002 - 1.008 SG
2 - 7 SRM
4.0 - 6.0 %vol
2 - 8 IBU