Style Details

Spe­cial­ty IPA - New Eng­land IPA - NEIPA
BJCP Style Code
21 B7
Color ran­ges from straw to yel­low, some­ti­mes with an oran­ge hue. Hazy, often opaque, cla­ri­ty; should not be clou­dy or mur­ky. The opa­ci­ty can add a ‘shi­ne’ to the beer and make the color seem dar­ker. Any visi­ble floa­ting par­ti­cu­la­tes (hop mat­ter, yeast clumps, etc.) are a fault. Medi­um to rocky merin­gue white head with high to very high retention.
Inten­se hop aro­ma, typi­cal­ly with frui­ty qua­li­ties (stone fruit, tro­pi­cal fruit, and citrus are most com­mon­ly pre­sent) reflec­ti­ve of newer Ame­ri­can and New World hop varie­ties wit­hout being gras­sy or her­bace­ous. Clean, neu­tral malt in the back­ground, poten­ti­al­ly with a light brea­dy sweet­ness wit­hout cara­mel or toast. Absence of any malt cha­rac­ter is a fault. Neu­tral to frui­ty fer­men­ta­ti­on cha­rac­ter that is well-inte­gra­ted with the hops. A cre­a­my, but­tery, or aci­dic aro­ma is inap­pro­pria­te. Any per­cei­ved alco­hol cha­rac­ter should be res­trai­ned and never hot.
The hop fla­vor is high to very high, and reflects the same cha­rac­te­ristics as the aro­ma (empha­sis on fruit, with ripe tro­pi­cal fruit, stone fruit, and citrus being most com­mon). The per­cei­ved bit­ter­ness can be some­what low to medi­um-high, often being mas­ked by the body and finish of the beer. The hop cha­rac­ter in the after­tas­te should not be sharp or harsh. Low to medi­um malt fla­vor, gene­ral­ly neu­tral, some­ti­mes having a brea­dy, grai­ny, light­ly sweet fla­vor. Noti­ceable toast or cara­mel fla­vors are a flaw. Fer­men­ta­ti­on cha­rac­ter is neu­tral to frui­ty, but as with the aro­ma, sup­port­i­ve of the hops. Off-dry to medi­um finish. Cre­a­my, star­chy, or suga­ry-sweet fla­vors are inap­pro­pria­te, alt­hough a high ester level and lower bit­ter­ness may give the impres­si­on of up to mode­ra­te sweet­ness. A mode­ra­te, sup­port­i­ve alco­hol cha­rac­ter is accep­ta­ble but should never be hot or dominating.
Medi­um to medi­um-full body with a smooth cha­rac­ter. No harsh, hop-deri­ved astrin­gen­cy. Alco­hol warmth may be pre­sent in stron­ger ver­si­ons, but should never be hot. Medi­um car­bo­na­ti­on is stan­dard. The beer should not have a cre­a­my or vis­cous mouth­feel, an aci­dic twang, or a raw starch texture.
Over­all Impression
An Ame­ri­can IPA with inten­se fruit fla­vors and aro­mas, a soft body, and smooth mouth­feel, and often opaque with sub­stan­ti­al haze. Less per­cei­ved bit­ter­ness than tra­di­tio­nal IPAs but always mas­si­ve­ly hop for­ward. This empha­sis on late hop­ping, espe­ci­al­ly dry hop­ping, with hops with tro­pi­cal fruit qua­li­ties lends the spe­ci­fic ‘jui­cy’ cha­rac­ter for which this style is known.
Typi­cal Ingredients
Simi­lar to many newer Ame­ri­can IPAs but often with more oats or wheat in the grist, and less cara­mel or spe­cial­ty malts. Rest­ric­ted hop choice to Ame­ri­can or New World varie­ties with a tro­pi­cal fruit, stone fruit, or citrus cha­rac­ter. Neu­tral to estery yeast strain. Water ran­ges from balan­ced bet­ween sul­fa­te and chlo­ri­de to using more chlo­ri­des. Hea­vi­ly dry-hop­ped, part­ly during acti­ve fer­men­ta­ti­on, using a varie­ty of hop­ping doses and tem­pe­ra­tures to empha­sis hop depth of aro­ma and fla­vor over bit­ter­ness. Bio­trans­for­ma­ti­on of hop oils during fer­men­ta­ti­on may add to the fruit character.
A modern craft beer style ori­gi­na­ting in the New Eng­land regi­on of the United Sta­tes. Alche­mist Hea­dy Top­per is belie­ved to be the ori­gi­nal exam­p­le and inspi­ra­ti­on for many other inter­pre­ta­ti­ons that grew in popu­la­ri­ty in the ear­ly to mid-2010s. Bre­wers are con­ti­nuing to inno­va­te and evol­ve the style, with the style tren­ding towards a less bit­ter pre­sen­ta­ti­on to the point of making a mockery of the term “IPA”.
The style is still evol­ving, but this style is essen­ti­al­ly a smoot­her, hazier, jui­cier Ame­ri­can IPA. In this con­text, ‘jui­cy’ refers to a men­tal impres­si­on of fruit juice or eating fresh, ful­ly ripe fruit. Hea­vy examp­les sug­ges­ti­ve of milks­hakes, cream­sic­les, or fruit smoothies are bey­ond this ran­ge; IPAs should always be drinkable. Hazi­ness comes from the dry hop­ping regime, not sus­pen­ded yeast, starch haze, set pec­tins, or other tech­ni­ques; a hazy shi­ne is desi­ra­ble, not a clou­dy, mur­ky mess.
Com­mer­cial Examples
Hill Farm­stead Sus­an, Other Half Green Dia­monds Dou­ble IPA, Tired Hands Ali­en Church, Tree House Juli­us, Tril­li­um Con­gress Street, Weld­Werks Jui­cy Bits
Com­pared to Ame­ri­can IPA, New Eng­land IPA has a ful­ler, sof­ter mouth­feel, a more fruit-for­ward late hop expres­si­on, a more res­trai­ned per­cei­ved bit­ter­ness balan­ce, and a hazier appearance. Many modern Ame­ri­can IPAs are frui­ty and some­what hazy; if they have a dry, crisp finish, at most medi­um body, and high per­cei­ved bit­ter­ness, the­se examp­les should be ente­red as Ame­ri­can IPAs. Noti­ceable addi­ti­ons of fruit, lac­to­se, or other mate­ri­als to increase the frui­ty, smooth cha­rac­ter should be ente­red in ano­ther cate­go­ry defi­ned by the addi­ti­ve (e.g., Fruit Beer, Spe­cial­ty Beer).
Ori­gi­nal Gravity
1.060 - 1.085 SG
Final Gra­vi­ty
1.010 - 1.015 SG
3 - 7 SRM
6.0 - 9.0 %vol
25 - 60 IBU