Style Details

Alter­na­ti­ve Grain Beer
Alter­na­ti­ve Fer­men­ta­bles Beer
BJCP Style Code
31 A
Same as base beer style, alt­hough some addi­tio­nal haze may be noticeable.
Same as base beer style. The added grain will lend a par­ti­cu­lar cha­rac­ter, alt­hough with some grains the beer will sim­ply seem a bit more grai­ny or nut­ty. The alter­na­ti­ve grain should pro­vi­de the major aro­ma pro­fi­le for this beer.
Same as base beer style. The addi­tio­nal grain should be noti­ceable in fla­vor, alt­hough it may not be neces­s­a­ri­ly iden­ti­fia­ble. Howe­ver, the alter­na­ti­ve grain should pro­vi­de the major fla­vor pro­fi­le for this beer. Dif­fe­rent grains have dif­fe­rent cha­rac­ters; the addi­tio­nal grain should enhan­ce the fla­vor of the base beer. Many will add an addi­tio­nal grai­ny, brea­dy, or nut­ty flavor.
Same as the base beer, alt­hough many addi­tio­nal grains will tend to increase the body (oats, rye) and increase the vis­co­si­ty, while some may decrease the body (GF grains) resul­ting in thinness. 
Over­all Impression
A base beer enhan­ced by or fea­turing the cha­rac­ter of addi­tio­nal grain or grains. The spe­ci­fic cha­rac­ter depends great­ly on the cha­rac­ter of the added grains.
If the alter­na­ti­ve grain does not pro­vi­de a noti­ceable distin­gu­is­ha­ble cha­rac­ter to the beer, enter it as the base style. This style should not be used for styl­es whe­re the alter­na­ti­ve grain is fun­da­men­tal to the style defi­ni­ti­on (e.g., Rye IPA, Oat­me­al Stout, Rice- or Corn-based Inter­na­tio­nal Lager). Note that sake is not beer, and is not inten­ded for this category.
Com­mer­cial Examples
Green’s Indi­an Pale Ale, Lake­front New Grist, New Pla­net Pale Ale
An Alter­na­ti­ve Fer­men­ta­bles Beer is a stan­dard beer (Clas­sic Style or not) with addi­tio­nal or non-stan­dard bre­wing grains (e.g., rye, oats, buck­wheat, spelt, mil­let, sorg­hum, rice, etc.) added or used exclu­si­ve­ly. Glu­ten-free (GF) beers made from com­ple­te­ly glu­ten-free ingre­di­ents may be ente­red here, while GF beers using pro­cess-based glu­ten rem­oval should be ente­red in their respec­ti­ve base style categories.
Ori­gi­nal Gravity
0.000 - 0.000 SG
Final Gra­vi­ty
0.000 - 0.000 SG
0 - 0 SRM
0.0 - 0.0 %vol
0 - 0 IBU