
ID 22862 Erstel­lungs­da­tum 13.1.2020
Matis­se Classic
Beschrei­bung com­mer­cial beer clo­ne reci­pe von Night Shift Brewing
Autor Bim­Bam­Bom­mel (ver­öf­fent­licht)
Aus­schlag­vo­lu­men 18.93 l
Stamm­wür­ze 14.1 °P
Rest­ex­trakt 3.5 °P
Alko­hol 5.8 %vol
Far­be 7 EBC
Bit­te­re 22 IBU (mild, Ibu:Stw 2:1)
Aro­ma 1.5 mg/l (gering)
Typ Mai­sche
Aus­beu­te­fak­tor 70 %
Haupt­guss 12.5 l
Nach­guss 15.2 l
This clas­sic, pep­pery, dry sai­son comes from Night Shift Bre­wing. A simp­le grist cou­pled with an asser­ti­ve bit­te­ring hop addi­ti­on help accen­tua­te the dry cha­rac­te­ristics and give a solid base for the phe­nols from the yeast. This beer took the sil­ver medal in the Clas­sic Sai­son cate­go­ry the 2017 Gre­at Ame­ri­can Beer Fes­ti­val. This home­brew reci­pe is fea­tured in 51 Craft Beer Clo­ne Recipes 2019. Find out what reci­pe was fea­tured for your sta­te! We’ve tried varia­ti­ons of this reci­pe with oran­ge peel, pep­per­corns, dif­fe­rent hops, etc. It’s a gre­at base to play around with and expe­ri­ment ide­as. We’ve also tried some mixed fer­me­na­ti­ons but would recom­mend adding wheat or other high pro­te­in grain to give food for the other yeast/bacteria.


Name Men­ge Anteil Far­be
Pils­ner Malz 4163.96 g 100 % 4 EBC
Kom­men­tar zur Schüttung
For 5 gal (18.9 L) 9.18 lb (4.16 kg) Pils­ner malt


Kom­men­tar zum Maischverfahren
Sin­gle infu­si­on mash tar­ge­ting 150-152˚F (66-67˚ C), wha­te­ver gets you to com­ple­te atte­nua­ti­on. Add gyp­sum to around 250ppm sul­fa­te. Tar­get a 5.2 mash pH, we use lac­tic acid to adjust.


Men­ge Name Form Alpha­säu­re Nut­zung Zeit Bit­te­re
19.85 g Auro­ra Pel­lets 7 % Vor­der­wür­ze 60 min 16.2 IBU
8.51 g Auro­ra Pel­lets 7 % Kochen 20 min 5.7 IBU
14.18 g Saa­zer Pel­lets 3.5 % Whirl­pool 80°C 0 min 0 IBU
Kom­men­tar zur Hopfung
0.7 oz (20 g) Sty­ri­an Auro­ra hops, 8% a.a. (FWH) 0.3 oz (8 g) Sty­ri­an Auro­ra hops, 8% a.a. (20 min) 0.5 (14 g) oz Saaz hops, 4% a.a. (whirl­pool)
Gesamt-Koch­zeit 60 min
Koch­vo­lu­men 21.8 l


Men­ge Name Ver­gä­rungs­grad Tem­pe­ra­tur
11 g Craft Series M36 Liber­ty Bell Ale 75 % -7.8 °C
Kom­men­tar zur Gärung
Bel­gi­an Sai­son yeast strain (Vor­schlag M36 Liber­ty Bell Ale) Knock­out post boil around 65˚F (18˚ C), try­ing to have the top end of fer­men­ta­ti­on be 70˚F (21˚ C). After five days, remo­ve wha­te­ver tem­pe­ra­tu­re con­trol you had and allow to free rise to wha­te­ver tem­pe­ra­tu­re it wants. Fer­men­ta­ti­on is typi­cal­ly about 4 weeks, we’ll drop the tem­pe­ra­tu­re and packa­ge in week 5.
CO2-Gehalt 7.84 g/l
Kar­bo­ni­sie­rungs­me­tho­de Spei­se