Details des Biertyps

Dou­ble IPA
Style Gui­de
BJCP 2015
22 A
7.5 - 10.0 %vol
16.25 - 21.25 °P
2 - 4.5 %gew
60 - 120 IBU
15 - 36 EBC
Color ran­ges from gol­den to light oran­ge-cop­per; most modern ver­si­ons are fair­ly pale. Good cla­ri­ty, alt­hough unfil­te­red dry-hop­ped ver­si­ons may be a bit hazy. Mode­ra­te-sized, per­sis­tent, white to off-white head.
Hop fla­vor is strong and com­plex, and can reflect the cha­rac­te­ristics of modern Ame­ri­can or New World hop varie­ties (citrus, flo­ral, pine, res­i­nous, spi­cy, tro­pi­cal fruit, stone fruit, ber­ry, melon, etc.). High to absurd­ly high hop bit­ter­ness. Low to medi­um malt fla­vor, gene­ral­ly clean and grai­ny-mal­ty alt­hough low levels of cara­mel or toasty fla­vors are accep­ta­ble. Low to medi­um frui­tin­ess is accep­ta­ble but not requi­red. A long, lin­ge­ring bit­ter­ness is usual­ly pre­sent in the after­tas­te but should not be harsh. Dry to medi­um-dry finish; should not finish sweet or hea­vy. A light, clean, smooth alco­hol fla­vor is not a fault. Oak is inap­pro­pria­te in this style. May be slight­ly sul­fu­ry, but most examp­les do not exhi­bit this character.
A pro­mi­nent to inten­se hop aro­ma that typi­cal­ly show­ca­ses Ame­ri­can or New World hop cha­rac­te­ristics (citrus, flo­ral, pine, res­i­nous, spi­cy, tro­pi­cal fruit, stone fruit, ber­ry, melon, etc.). Most ver­si­ons are dry hop­ped and can have an addi­tio­nal res­i­nous or gras­sy aro­ma, alt­hough this is not abso­lut­e­ly requi­red. Some clean mal­ty sweet­ness may be found in the back­ground. Frui­tin­ess, eit­her from esters or hops, may also be detec­ted in some ver­si­ons, alt­hough a neu­tral fer­men­ta­ti­on cha­rac­ter is typi­cal. Some alco­hol can usual­ly be noted, but it should not have a “hot” character.
Medi­um-light to medi­um body, with a smooth tex­tu­re. Medi­um to medi­um-high car­bo­na­ti­on. No harsh hop-deri­ved astrin­gen­cy. Res­trai­ned, smooth alco­hol warm­ing acceptable.
An inten­se­ly hop­py, fair­ly strong pale ale wit­hout the big, rich, com­plex mal­ti­ness and resi­du­al sweet­ness and body of an Ame­ri­can bar­ley­wi­ne. Stron­gly hop­ped, but clean, dry, and lack­ing harsh­ness. Drin­ka­bi­li­ty is an important cha­rac­te­ristic; this should not be a hea­vy, sip­ping beer.
Clean 2-row malt is typi­cal as a base grain; an exces­si­ve­ly com­plex grist can be dis­trac­ting. Crys­tal-type malts often mud­dy the hop fla­vors, and are gene­ral­ly con­side­red unde­si­ra­ble in signi­fi­cant quan­ti­ties. Sugar or other high­ly fer­men­ta­ble adjuncts are often used to increase atte­nua­ti­on, as are lower-tem­pe­ra­tu­re mash rests. Can use a com­plex varie­ty of hops, typi­cal­ly Ame­ri­can or New World, often with cut­ting-edge pro­files pro­vi­ding distinc­ti­ve dif­fe­ren­ces. Modern hops with unu­su­al cha­rac­te­ristics are not out of style. Ame­ri­can yeast that can give a clean or slight­ly frui­ty profile.
An Ame­ri­can craft beer inno­va­ti­on first deve­lo­ped in the mid-late 1990s reflec­ting the trend of Ame­ri­can craft bre­wers “pushing the enve­lo­pe” to satis­fy the need of hop afi­ci­o­na­dos for incre­asing­ly inten­se pro­ducts. Beca­me more main­stream and popu­lar throug­hout the 2000s, and inspi­red addi­tio­nal IPA creativity.
A show­ca­se for hops, yet remai­ning quite drinkable. The adjec­ti­ve “dou­ble” is arbi­tra­ry and sim­ply impli­es a stron­ger ver­si­on of an IPA; “impe­ri­al,” “extra,” “extre­me,” or any other varie­ty of adjec­ti­ves would be equal­ly valid, alt­hough the modern Ame­ri­can mar­ket seems to have now coale­s­ced around the “dou­ble” term.
Avery Maha­ra­ja, Fat Heads Hop Juju, Fires­tone Wal­ker Dou­ble Jack, Port Bre­wing Hop 15, Rus­si­an River Pli­ny the Elder, Stone Rui­na­ti­on IPA, Three Floyds Dreadnaught
Big­ger than eit­her an Eng­lish or Ame­ri­can IPA in both alco­hol strength and over­all hop level (bit­te­ring and finish). Less mal­ty, lower body, less rich and a grea­ter over­all hop inten­si­ty than an Ame­ri­can Bar­ley­wi­ne. Typi­cal­ly not as high in gravity/alcohol as a bar­ley­wi­ne, sin­ce high alco­hol and malt tend to limit drinkability.