Style Details

Czech Pale Lager
Czech Lager
BJCP Style Code
3 A
Light gold to deep gold color. Bril­li­ant to very clear, with a long-las­ting, cre­a­my white head. 
Light to mode­ra­te brea­dy-rich malt com­bi­ned with light to mode­ra­te spi­cy or her­bal hop bou­quet; the balan­ce bet­ween the malt and hops may vary. Faint hint of cara­mel is accep­ta­ble. Light (but never intru­si­ve) diace­tyl and light, frui­ty hop-deri­ved esters are accep­ta­ble, but need not be pre­sent. No sulfur.
Medi­um-low to medi­um brea­dy-rich malt fla­vor with a roun­ded, hop­py finish. Low to medi­um-high spi­cy or her­bal hop fla­vor. Bit­ter­ness is pro­mi­nent but never harsh. Fla­vorful and refres­hing. Diace­tyl or frui­ty esters are accep­ta­ble at low levels, but need not be pre­sent and should never be overbearing.
Medi­um-light to medi­um body. Mode­ra­te carbonation. 
Over­all Impression
A ligh­ter-bodi­ed, rich, refres­hing, hop­py, bit­ter pale Czech lager having the fami­li­ar fla­vors of the stron­ger Czech Pre­mi­um Pale Lager (Pils­ner-type) beer but in a lower alco­hol, ligh­ter-bodi­ed, and slight­ly less inten­se format.
Typi­cal Ingredients
Soft water with low sul­fa­te and car­bo­na­te con­tent, Saa­zer-type hops, Czech Pils­ner malt, Czech lager yeast. Low ion water pro­vi­des a distinc­tively soft, roun­ded hop pro­fi­le despi­te high hop­ping rates. 
Josef Groll initi­al­ly bre­wed two types of beer in 1842–3, a vý?epní and a ležák, with the smal­ler beer having twice the pro­duc­tion; Evan Rail spe­cu­la­tes that the­se were pro­ba­b­ly 10 °P and 12 °P beers, but that the vý?epní could have been wea­k­er. This is the most con­su­med type of beer in the Czech Repu­blic at present.
The Czech name of the style is sv?tlé vý?epní pivo. 
Com­mer­cial Examples
B?ez?ák Sv?tlé vý?epní pivo, Notch Ses­si­on Pils, Pivo­var Kout na Šumav? Kout­ská 10°, Ún?tické pivo 10°
Ori­gi­nal Gravity
1.028 - 1.044 SG
Final Gra­vi­ty
1.008 - 1.014 SG
3 - 6 SRM
3.0 - 4.0 %vol
20 - 35 IBU